About Nick

Hi, I’m Nick!

I’m originally from Nebraska, but have made Brooklyn my home. I came to New York to study Sociology at New York University and was transformed into a more inquisitive, kinder, and deeper person. I love learning and once thought success was all about having the answers. I now am much more focused on asking deeper questions.

I think we have outgrown the old ways of doing business. I think we are ready to realize a new potential for how we connect with each other. I believe we can bring more of ourselves to work, we can interact with others in transformative ways, and we can utilize each moment to improve the world a little bit. And make money and meaning doing it.

As life becomes more complex, it is becoming more important for us to reflect on what role we play in the lives of our customers, employees, and partners. Are we adding value? Are we helping? I work to improve experiences and build business practices that help people grow and find joy.

I served for five years on the teaching staff of the popular NYU course “The Science of Happiness” and spend a lot of time thinking about human thriving and the importance of endeavoring. I am also really into traveling, naps, avocado toast, and dry white wines on rooftop lounges. Want to know more about me? Check out my social media links and drop me a line at nick@nickjensen.nyc.